Governance & Economic
External Audit on Risk Management Processes
The document is a cover page for the supporting document on external audit on risk management processes of WHA Corporation Public Company Limited (WHA). WHA presents this document in order to demonstrate that WHA has conducted an external audit on risk management processes.
Report year 2023:
KPMG Phoomchai Business Advisory Ltd., a Thai limited liability company and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited performed an audit on WHA’s risk management processes under the following 4 topics;
- The Company has defined its objectives clearly and adequate to be able to identify and assess risks related to achieving its objectives.
- The Company comprehensively identifies and analyzes all types of risks that may affect the achievement of objectives throughout the organization.
- The Company considers the potential for corruption in assessing risks to achieve the objectives of the organization.
- The Company can identify and evaluate changes that may affect the internal control system.
Overview result of audit the risk management process:
- The Company establishes a risk management policy and reviews it annually by the Risk Management Committee.
- The Company establishes a risk management plan that is appropriate for the risks identified, and identifies responsible persons and implements the plan, includingmonitoring the performance of the plan as specified in the Risk Management Policy.
- The Risk Management Committee is responsible for considering, reviewing, and reviewing the Company's risk management policy, framework, and overall risk managementstructure.
- The Risk Management Working Group monitors and evaluates the performance of the risk management plan regularly and reports to the Risk Management Committee quarterly,considering both external and internal risk factors, covering strategic risk, operational risk, financial risk, and compliance risk.
- The Company requires all levels of employees and the Risk Management Working Group to undergo risk management training annually. In 2023, the Company organized a Fraud Risk Assessment training course, which is required for all levels of employees.
- The Company establishes accounting policies, accounting manuals, and financial reports in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. The Company'squarterly and annual financial statements have been reviewed and audited by an auditor licensed by the Securities and Exchange Commission.
- The Company has prepared a business continuity plan for crisis management. (Business Continuity Plan: BCP) In 2023, the company has rehearsed its business continuity plan for industrial estates.
Tax Operations
WHA Group places great emphasis on our tax operations, ensuring adherence to principles of accuracy, transparency, verifiability, and compliance with applicable tax laws. This commitment aims to maximize benefits and foster trust among all stakeholders. Additionally, the company establishes guidelines for tax planning and practices that align with its strategic objectives and business goals.
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Contribution to External Associations
WHA Corporation Public Company Limited is committed to participate in driving and developing sustainable business and society through partnerships with corporations, trade associations, government and non-profit organizations to help drive policies that will affect the economic growth of the country. By doing so, the Company is committed to transparency under good corporate governance and business ethics.
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Unified Operation Center (UOC)
WHA Group implemented the Unified Operation Center (UOC) which projects real-time monitoring results of all relevant environmental parameters such as air quality, rainfall volume and wastewater quality, and etc.
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