Governance & Economic

WHA Group CEO Shares Insights on Digital Transformation in The EEC

Ms. Jareeporn Jarukornsakul, Chairman and Group CEO of WHA Corporation PCL, was among the guest speakers at the recent Driving Thailand’s Recovery with Digital Economy panel discussion, hosted by the Matichon Group. She shared her insights on the role of digital transformation in reshaping industries to enhance the promising trend of investors in the EEC. She also explained how the latest technologies can help different sectors integrate Industry 4.0 effectively to help Thailand take the lead in the region.

The panel also included executives from government agencies such as the Digital Economy Promotion Agency (DEPA), the Office of the National Digital Economy and Society Commission (ONDE), Thailand Post, and industry leaders such as Huawei and SEA Thailand. They discussed the importance of public and private cooperation to build an efficient digital economy to bring sustainable progress to the country.