
Water Hyacinth Project

WHA Eastern Seaboard Industrial Estate (WHA ESIE) continually implemented for surrounding community in the Baan Kai District, Rayong province, in 2021, to generate job and additional income flows toward the local communities of its operations through employment. On a monthly basis, the community can take unwanted water hyacinths from WHA ESIE's wastewater polishing pond for free and use them to make and sell laptop bags and hampers This enabled the community to generate income, save money on the purchase of such water hyacinths, which can save cost around 150 Baht per basket, from total cost is 300 Baht per basket, and have a reliable source of raw material on a monthly basis. Every year, WHA purchase 300 baskets that made from the water hyacinth from the local community, and contained with the local Product from Pan Gan Project as a new year gift. As a result, this project generated 1 million Baht in revenue for the community, an additional income of approximately 10,000 Baht/month/person

Additionally, in 2021, WHA Group assisted this business in increasing the value of the water hyacinth through collaboration with PTTGC. WHA Group has come up with a new fabric idea that uses water hyacinth from a built wetland in WHA Group's industrial estates, recycled plastic bottles (PET) from GC's YOUTURN platform, and cotton.

As a result of this project, WHA Group has been able to create jobs and generate over 36,000 baht in revenue for the community through the scraping of water hyacinths into fibers. Prior to processing and spinning, the fibers from water hyacinth, fibers from plastic bottles (PET), and cotton fibers are combined to create the fabric. In addition, it builds a library of knowledge for the community that can be used to make more money in the future.

WHA Group earns revenue in this area by selling such fibers to manufacturers for further processing into products. which generated a total revenue of approximately 40,000 baht.

The collaboration between GC and WHA utilized this new fabric to create the laptop case and hampers. WHA Group then created 200 laptop bags and 300 hampers from new innovation fabric as upcycling new year gifts in 2021 for WHA Group's most valued customers, who expressed their satisfaction with the gifts received.