
Setting a Good Example in The Community

DVT participants are chosen collaboratively by the Ban khai Technical college and WHA Group based on their abilities and motivation to learn, and could be potential interns for all of WHA's customers.

Bankhai Technical College in Rayong is the only educational establishment qualified for the DVE Program. Its Director, Mr. Prateep Chulalert expressed his gratitude to WHA for supporting the program year after year. "This is beneficial for the students, the companies, the EEC, and of course, members of the local communities. Training and orienting the students right in the workplace can bring them more job opportunities. The companies are able to teach and strengthen specific skills that they need, and in many cases, offer full employment upon graduation. Students who complete the DVE Program become role models for the younger students, because they see that there are high-paying jobs out there for them."

For all parties involved with the DVT program is a win-win situation. WHA Group is proud to support this excellent initiative that assists in the provision of qualified, skilled workers, particularly for sectors such as next-generation automobiles, smart electronics, agriculture and biotechnology, robotics, and other S-curve industries that the EEC welcomes under the Thailand 4.0 scheme.