
Programs to Enhance Employees Engagement and Satisfactions

To further enhance employee engagement and satisfaction to the company, the Group provided the following initiatives, including:

  • WHA Group has established the Facebook "Advance" Campaign which is an internal communications platform that allows the company, by the Human Resource Department, to share information and executive interviews on the internal SharePoint platform. The shared information will allow the employees to keep-up with the trend, and be aware of the business directions through executives conducted interviews.
  • To increase employee engagement, WHA Group organized an annual Town Hall Meeting facilitated by the Group's CEO in 2021 to keep the employees engaged and informed on the business strategies of each business hubs for the upcoming year.
  • Launched in 2021, WHA Group leveraged digital technology to support human resource department by developing the '@Work' application, which is a centralized human resource communication platform for employees across all business hubs to conduct employee self-services and have access to e-application online and the company's announcements.